Thursday 7 July 2016

Snuggly Goth

Well, here we are again with another (very late) installment of Trend The Consequences. it has been a while since the last post simply because finding new and interesting trends has been difficult. It seems that the 'mainstream' fashion sites are just regurgitating the same trends every year, with a randomly boring addition squeezed in the middle. In fact, it seems that Vogue are just playing the past TTC playlist back to us for 2016. Now I would agree with them that floral and scarfs are good fun, but we have done them. The only interesting addition is Lace:

Delightfully revealing
And then you have FashionBeans with their 'jackets on jackets' which is just a poor remake of the layered V that TTC discovered a couple seasons ago. But I digress from the point of this post, which is to introduce the latest season that TTC are covering, which is some form of Winter/Spring 2015/2016 hybrid that we are posting in the summer.

This first post is about a hybrid that we here at TTC needed to blend together. A meeting of the 'all black' look that is synonymous with the goth world, and the snugglyness of a soothing knitted scarf. We felt that the classic goth was not the image we wanted to portray, simply because their scary outlook is quite intimidating, so incorporated a comfortably huggable scarf to really remove the social separation from others, whilst maintaining an outsider edge.

I think you'll agree - quite snuggly
When in town, you could tell that people were reserved at first, our gothly appearance was making people feel intimidated, and I don't blame the public for this; two dangerously handsome fellows all in black with menacingly good dance moves, what is not there to be intimidated by:

So menacing
However, intimidation slowly turned to intrigue as people noticed the comfy looking scarf. The obvious question going through people's minds was, 'how could someone looking so snuggly be anything other than delightful?', even goth Elmo is still cute:
Gothic Elmo photo GothElmo.jpg
What an adorable pentagram 
It was when we got to Cardiff's notorious Live Lounge where the crowds really enjoyed the trend. Multiple adoring comments were sent our way throughout the evening, and even the bar staff, who could only really see the scarfy darkness from the bar surface upwards, were delighted every time we came up for a refreshing beverage.

As the evening progressed, our snuggly appearance became too inviting, and groups wanted to get in one the action and feel just how caressable we really were, but with a silent understanding that we all liked drop-D based guitar riffs (or ideally C).

Lovably Cuddlesome
Swap beard for scarf and he is snuggly too
So welcome back to Trend The Consequences for our latest late-hybrid-season report, as ever we have a smattering of posts coming over next few weeks, each greater than anything we've ever done before, but to conclude Snuggly Goth is a (heart)warming way of getting stylish over the bitter winter period while also dabbling with the hoody and growly music types you'd normally steer well clear of.

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