Sunday 2 February 2014

Red Trousers

Red trousers, huh, what's that about?  Well if you look around during this mild but blowy winter you'll find people in red trousers everywhere.
Scarlet to cherry and burgundy, from some quick research it seems that men are wearing these colours because of a move in menswear towards confident experimentation.  At TTC we believe such confidence is probably down to research of the types carried out during Summer 2013.  Alas, it is more likely we are incorrect and that in this dreary winter of little colour, red trousers are the only way to be anyone worth noticing.

A little deeper into the planning phase and I was questioning things once more

But as Fashion Beans says

 "red exudes confidence and shows you are not afraid of having all eyes on you"

It is pretty hard to turn down such a free pass to the Cardiff Big Time.

If any doubt is had about the validity of such statements then this incredible blog removes it, Look at my fucking red trousers!; a rude title for sure, but such inspirational posts about the joys of red trousers, even Rio Ferdinand makes an appearance :-o 

Shopping for the trousers themselves turned out to be very easy for men with either of our leg sizes.  The only dilemma was the shade of red to go for, one of us opting for burgundy and the other for a powerful Welsh Red.  A slight hazard of winter shopping is the gloomy natural light; it is quite easy to believe some orange trousers are red, a mistake that will ensure you look foolish on the dance floor.  A cuddly jumper thing and a very odd blue blazer thing (which was completely void of any water repellency) and we were ready.

Onto business.  The usual plans were made and we arrived at Wetherspoons completely soaked, trousers going a darker level of trendiness and a worrying lack of awareness of sweat levels due to overall dampness.
Dried off, sweat patches hidden and experimental confidence in full flow
The first thing we noticed was that all eyes were not on us, potentially we had prepared ourselves for a situation that wasn't to present itself.  The Cardiff Big Time was already slipping away. Thankfully a rather dashing young chap waltzed by and reaffirmed the choices we had made.
A TTCer stood next to 100% Lad in Burgundy and Jacket
As this guy had dressed himself in a way that so closely resembled the timeless but wholly Winter 13/14 style sported by TTC, we had renewed faith in the sweet clothes we'd spent all our money on. The appeal was obvious in the gentle ambiance of The Gatekeeper, alluring yet subtle trousers topped off with a homely but sophisticated jacket.  Granted the man pulled it off more naturally than we did, but he was wearing appropriate footwear for such trousers, meaning he was able to prance around without a care in the world while we had to make do with annoyingly supportive and comfy trainers.  Enough of this, off to Live Lounge via Floyds.
Don't worry, the jacket came off not long after this
There is talk red trousers make you more flexible, this is not true, the man above is just very malleable

Doltish but anonymous is the only way to describe how we felt in Live Lounge.  Somehow red trousers sapped all the self respect we had but did nothing to stir up fashion envy or disgust in others.

This week I saw a sign in a men's toilet that tickled me.  It read "Warning - the water is mad hot".  I imagined that was a sentiment that could be applied to red trousers with ease, sadly this was not how it turned out.  The only positive out of it all is that I now have a pretty bad blue jacket that I can wear anytime with grey jeans.  

Red Trousers: Garish, more common than you may think yet uninspiring.

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